If not for the money you will save, do it for the safety and health of you and your loved ones.
If maintained properly your smoke alarms work to alert you and your family to get out of your house alive. Far to often we hear on the results of the alternative on the nightly news. Here are a few sobering home safety statistics.
15,600 dryer fires each year due to “lack of maintenance”
20,000 people are treated in the emergency room for injuries caused by faulty garage doors.
15,260 injuries and 2660 deaths annually due to failure or problems with smoke alarms, sprinklers and fire extinguishers.
38,300 reported home electrical fires including 120 deaths and 390 injuries associated with electrical wiring, breakers, fuses and meters.
49,200 heating equipment related home fires.
14,000 deaths occur from radon each year, as estimated by EPA.
Source– US Consumer Product Safety Commission.
Source– National Fire Protection Agency.
A home in disrepair increases safety and health risks, runs inefficiently increasing utility costs, and requires greater expenditures for maintenance and repair costs.

From a Jones Lang LaSalle study “Determining the Economic Value of Preventive Maintenance”
The results were overwhelmingly positive. The study shows that Preventive Maintenance produces huge return on investment. One analysis in the study resulted in a return on investment of 545%. This greater than $5 return for every $1 spent on Preventive Maintenance is not unusual. “ Maintaining all the equipment produces the significant returns identified by the analysis and offers a powerful argument for the value of preventive maintenance and the dramatic impact preventive maintenance can have on real estate.”