
Is Energy Efficiency really important?
Is energy efficiency really important and necessary or is it a fad or political stunt to satisfy special interest groups and wacko environmentalists. Well let us examine the concept. Energy efficiency is using less energy to provide the same level of service. Pretty simple right! The United States is expecting a 30 percent growth in energy use over the next 25 years according to the figures published by the U.S. Commerce Department. The attractiveness of energy efficiency is that all things do not have to be completed at once in order to achieve results. And by the way, it’s not politically motivated, it is a personal choice. Yes, you will save money, you will save energy and you will help the environment.
It is time to make our buildings and homes more energy efficient. Get an energy assessment by a professional and complete your energy upgrades one by one.
With that said the results cannot be denied. Whether you embrace the concept of “energy efficiency or “going green”, (conserve, reduce, reuse, recycle) will save you money, reduce our dependency on foreign fuels and help the environment.
Energy efficiency is not an all-or-nothing proposition. The beauty is improvements can be staged over time. Consider the measures that make the most sense for your project. the amount of your budget, the return on investment (ROI), etc; You might seal air leaks and upgrade building insulation this year, but wait to replace your water heater until next year.
One can improve air quality and reduce health risks from mold, pollen, dust mites, radon and other pollutants by air sealing your home and ensuring adequate ventilation.
Installing programmable thermostats, an energy management system or just basic control upgrades will improve control over temperature, humidity and energy use. You will also prevent moisture problems and improve overall comfort.
You can save money on water and energy bills without sacrificing comfort or convenience. New, efficient water heaters use less energy than older models. You can also choose from Indirect fired, direct fired or on demand type. Low-flow fixtures, aerators and shower heads deliver less water at comparable pressures. Cutting down on hot water also reduces the energy used to heat the water.
Increasing insulation, sealing air leaks and having proper ventilation will reduce ice dams on roofs and prevent pipes from freezing.
These simple measures can avoid costly and complex structural problems in the future.
Energy efficiency saves money and can lighten the load on maintenance. Efficient HVAC systems use less energy, increase comfort and decrease service calls. Fluorescent lamps (CFL's) last 6 to 10 times longer than incandescent bulbs and use 75% less energy.
Energy Services Offered:
Heating & Air Conditioning equipment evaluation
Water conservation and usage
Lighting evaluation
Building Envelope-Insulation, windows, doors, air infiltration
Electronic controls for heating & air conditioning systems, boiler controls
Preventive maintenance programs for mechanical equipment
Education - Employee Involvement/Coaching, workshops
We will arrange a site walk through to evaluate the heating & air conditioning systems, lighting, hot & cold water systems, building envelope and machines. This can be as detailed as the client requires.
We use mathematical calculations under the guidelines of the Department of Energy (DOE) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (EnergyStar) which are used to calculate energy efficiencies. A comprehensive report detailing the cost savings and recommendations for various systems is outlined and reviewed with the client.